TCM Science & Technology


TCM with Science & Technology: Faster, Better, Healthier!

360 BioCleanse Detox Program Acupuncture Magni-Efficient Osteopathy Personalized Health Management Plan TCM Consultation Wellness Assessments

InMed TCM Grand Opening & Festive Celebration: Christmas + New Year Appreciation Event

1. Free TCM Consultation Fees
2. Complimentary Consultation + Personalized Technology  TCM Diagnostics
3. Free Trial of Tech-Enhanced Therapy Services
4. 20% Discount on Tech-Enhanced Therapy Services
Promotion Period: Until 28 February 2025

TCM with Science & Technology: Faster, Better, Healthier!        TCM with Science & Technology: Faster, Better, Healthier!         TCM with Science & Technology: Faster, Better, Healthier!         TCM with Science & Technology: Faster, Better, Healthier!        

Why Choose Us:
1. Effectiveness of Technological Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

The diagnostic and treatment techniques, along with personalized herbal formulations in technological TCM, ensure faster and better therapeutic outcomes.

Based on diagnostic data from technological TCM and the severity of the condition, personalized treatment plans are tailored to suit the patient’s specific health status, integrating both prevention and treatment for a holistic approach.

Our team of experienced TCM practitioners and health consultants work together to provide the most effective and personalized treatment plans for patients.

Developed from years of clinical research and experience, our proprietary equipment and technology combine traditional TCM wisdom with modern technological innovation, ensuring that our diagnostic and treatment methods are both advanced and unique.

Fluent in both English and Mandarin, our physicians ensure clear and effective communication.

Treatment Services

Personalised and Comprehensive Treatment

At InMed TCM, we blend the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with cutting-edge medical technology to deliver holistic healthcare solutions tailored to each individual. Our unique approach seamlessly integrates Modern Science with millennia-old TCM practices, providing a powerful and effective treatment experience.

Strategic Collaboration with established companies

Step by Step

What to expect when you visit InMedTM TCM Clinics

From preventative care to restorative health, our team is dedicated to provide the best traditional chinese medicine and medical technology treatments for you.

Enhancing Your Quality of Life

Mr. Low

The personalised treatment plan made a significant difference in my health. I highly recommend their expertise.

Mr. Ong

The comprehensive care and innovative treatments provided have greatly supported my recovery process.

Ms. May
Urinary Problems

“I struggled with urinary problems for years, but InMed TCM’s comprehensive package has made a remarkable difference. The combination of herbal remedies and targeted therapies has significantly alleviated my issues.”


Your trusted physicians

Depending on the nature of your health concerns, the physicians may recommend diagnostic tests to help identify any underlying issues. These tests can help develop a customized treatment plan to address your specific medical needs.

Meet Our Team

TCM Physicians

Sim Cheng Kah

Li Ming Shu

Health Consultant

Joey Ting

Health Advisor

Shirley Thong


Kent Sua

Ruby Xie



Ng Mui Ling

Nikey Teng


What makes InMed TCM Clinic different from other traditional Chinese medicine clinics?

InMed TCM is Singapore’s first technological TCM clinic. In addition to traditional TCM diagnostic and treatment methods, we incorporate several advanced technological monitoring devices. These devices provide data-driven diagnostic support, allowing InMed TCM practitioners to accurately assess and formulate precise treatment plans. Personalized treatment plans are tailored based on the patient’s condition, ensuring faster and more effective recovery.

Employee benefits and insurance policies vary by company and insurer, and coverage for TCM treatments may not be included. Please consult your company and/or insurance provider to understand your eligibility for claims.

Following the principles of TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment, InMed TCM creates personalized treatment plans based on your health condition and severity. We will adjust the treatment plan based on technological diagnostic data to accelerate your recovery process.

A TCM physician is a licensed professional authorized by the Singapore government, responsible for diagnosing and treating conditions with TCM techniques such as acupuncture and herbal prescriptions. The health consultant is a trained professional who analyzes diagnostic reports, provides health consultations, and integrates traditional TCM with technological diagnostics and therapies to create personalized treatment plans for patients.

Contact Us

Prompt & Compassionate
TCM When You Need It

*Our friendly staff will call you back within 1 working day

Contact Info

TCM with Science & Technology at InMedTM TCM

Working hours

Monday 10:00-20:00
Tuesday 10:00-20:00
Wednesday 10:00-20:00
Thursday 10:00-20:00
Friday 10:00-20:00
Saturday 10:00-20:00
Sunday 10:00-20:00
Technology TCM: Faster! Better!

Experience Technology TCM Treatments
Personalized Health and Wellness Solutions Tailored Just for You

*Get a response within 24 hours